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Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 18: Masculinity


Drawing a Dialogue, Episode 18: Masculinity

Cathy G. Johnson

Artwork by e jackson.

Artwork by e jackson.

Drawing a Dialogue is a podcast discussing comics in historical + educational contexts by Cathy G. Johnson + e remus jackson.

Episode 18: In this episode, Cathy + e discuss the social role of masculinity. e presents the definitions of masculinity and its feminist origins, the theories of sociologist Raewyn Connell, + moves into the theory of today. Comics discussion moves beyond the image into social relations + how production can be gendered. Cathy discusses masculinity in adolescence, the violence of it being taken to the extreme, and how art education + comics has a role in the gendered lives of students.

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Episode Citation:

  • Exploring Masculinities, ed. C.J. Pascoe & Tristan Bridges, 2015, Oxford University Press

  • "Negotiating the Field of Masculinity: The Production and Reproduction of Multiple Dominant Masculinities," by Tony Coles (from above book)

  • Raewyn Connell, Masculinities, 1995 - 2nd edition 2005, University of California Press

  • Raewyn Connell & James W. Messerschmidt, 2005, "Hegemonic Masculinies: Rethinking the Concept", Gender and Society

  • Raewyn Connell, 2016, “Masculinities in global perspective: hegemony, contestation, and changing structures of power”, Theory and Society

  • Bart Beaty, Comics Vs Art, 2012 (correction: dated “2009” in the episode), University of Toronto

  • Bart Beaty, 2004, “Roy Lichtenstein’s Tears: Art vs. Pop in American Culture”, Canadian Review of American Studies

  • “White women in publishing” The 2015 Diversity Baseline Survey Results - The Open Book Blog

  • Pascoe, C. J. (2012). Dude, You're a F—: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School.

  • Richard T. Evans. (2016). “F———, Fame and Firepower”: Teenage Masculinity, School Shootings, and the Pursuit of Fame, (1), 1.

  • “School shootings on the rise” - Science Daily (to counterpoint, NPR released an article positing its actually the public’s perception of school shootings that is on the rise, and that they have been steady: NPR. What is specifically on the rise is the amount of victims; not necessarily the events themselves.)

  • “We’re the Generation That’s Going to End It”: The response to the recent school shooting in Florida has been a surge of activism among students nationwide. Can they change the debate on guns? (2018). Junior Scholastic, 120(11), 4.

  • Taber, N., & Woloshyn, V. (2011). Dumb Dorky Girls and Wimpy Boys: Gendered Themes in Diary Cartoon Novels. Children’s Literature in Education, 42(3), 226–242.

  • F. Graeme Chalmers, & Andrea A. Dancer. (2008). Crafts, Boys, Ernest Thompson Seton, and the Woodcraft Movement. Studies in Art Education, (3), 183.

  • Imms, W. (2004). Malcolm’s Story. Art Education, 57(2), 40–45.

What are we reading?

  • Feathers by Jacqueline Woodson

Theme song by Downtown Boys